Create a website of your own using the web technologies introduced in this
course. It is up to you to choose the topic. You will be awarded one point for
each of the following
The website is stored as a project on any git hosting service
The repository includes a file that at least clearly names
the topic of your site
Your website has to have at least three separate html pages
You must use a separate CSS file that is included in all pages for a
common formatting
The pages have to contain links to each other
The pages have to use a CSS background image
In addition, at least one of the pages has to contain at least one
At least one basic web form has to be included (eg. a contact form)
You have to do a 6 minute oral presentation of your project
Each of the above tasks contributes 10% to your project's grade.
>87.5: 1, >75: 2, >62.5 : 3, >50: 4, ≤50: 5
Please note that the above schema MAY be subject to a
grading curve
for individual tests or assignments.
written test (paper) - must be passed
programming project
contributions are rewarded with a "+"
for students with a positive grade, each "+" improves the
average term grade by 0.1
(10 + improve one full grade)
To avoid plagiarism and prevent cheating,
all grades (including tests, projects and assignments) require a short oral
defense to be valid.
Late assignment policy: the points for each assignment
filed after its due date are multiplied by 0.8 for each started week after
the due date.
For example: a student files an assigment one day late and would receive
97 points if filed before the due date. The student gets 97 * 0.8 = 77.6
points instead. Another student files an assignment with 100 points 16 days
after the due date. 16 days means the third week after the due date has
started. Hence the student is awarded 100 * 0.8 * 0.8 * 0.8 = 51.2 points.
Content of the Curriculum (1st Term)
Presentation of Information in Websites
Current web standards (markup language, style sheets)
Relevant protocols
Sequence of events when loading a webpage
Using text, links, images, audio and video content
Multimedia Content
Image capturing devices
Basic color theory
Fundamentals of typography
Edit images in different formats (vector vs. pixel based)