Course Overview Agile Software Development Introduction to Linux Introduction to Databases SQL Exercises Sample Code Prior Exams Notes Content of the Curriculum (4th Grade)
Course Overview
Agile Software Development
Introduction to Linux
Introduction to Databases
1st week
Database Management Systems
Download and install the available sqlite
databases and
tools as described in this
These databases are designed to match the examples in the SQL tutorial.
2nd week
Complete the
SQL Tutorial
up to and including
aliases .
Instead of relying on the website, execute the examples in your local
database (use the "Execute SQL " tab of DB Brower for SQLite).
Accept the first database assignment on SQL SELECT.
SQL Exercises
Sample Code
Prior Exams
Content of the Curriculum (4th Grade)
Curriculum in the Legal Information System (see Attachment 1.5)
Module 7+8
Operating Systems
Select, install and configure operating systems for specific
Benutzer, deren Rechte und die Peripherie verwalten sowie
Client bzw. Server in einem Netz konfigurieren
Software Development
Software development process
Apply methodologies for developing software
Configuration management
Software verification and validation
Select and employ relevant programming languages to solve
technical problems
Embedded Programming
Create real-time systems
Programmierung für echtzeitnahe Steuerungen einsetzen
Hardwarenahe Programmteile hinsichtlich Code- und Laufzeiteffizienz testen und evaluieren
Modelle des Datenbankentwurfs interpretieren sowie Datenbanken
abfragen, planen und realisieren
Gängige Notationsformen, Strukturen, Entwurf, Implementierung,
Web Development and Network Programming
Client-server architecture
Apply client- and server-side technologies