Prior Exams
The best way to learn programming is to write code. Have fun!
Content of the Curriculum (1st Term)
- Data Models, Query Languages and Databases
- Terminology
- Create a data model for a given assignment
- Identification of attributes and relations etc.
- Investigate the correctness of a given data model
- Derive and analyse a relational model from a data model
- Schema, domains, keys, null values, etc.
- Develop simple database queries to solve real world problems
- Understand the purpose of database normalization
- Normalize a given relational database model
- Consistency
- Update, insertion and deletion anaomalies
- Functional Dependencies and referential integrity
- Employ standardized query languages to access and modify data
- Projection
- Selection
- Grouping
- Joins
- Aggregation
- Subqueries
- Create database applications using appropriate technologies
and development environments
- Architecture and Administration of Database Management Systems (DBMS)
- Open source vs. proprietary DBMS
- Types of DBMS
- Argue the application of DBMS as information
- Select an appropriate DBMS that satisfies a project's requirements
- Install a DBMS