Source code represents primary knowledge
Secondary knowledge takes the form of
more human-readable documentation
Every package/ module/ class/ function should have a
one-liner stating what its purpose is
Given the source code - is there a need for secondary documentation?
Values with unexplained meaning which
should be replaced with a named
Bad for code maintenance and readability
# ...
profit = round(profit, 2)
effort = round(effort, 2)
postal_code = data.get("postal_code", 8010)
PRECISION = 2 # 2 digits are a legal requirement (see ...)
DEFAULT_POSTAL_CODE = 8010 # most of our customers have this postal code
POSTAL_CODE_KEY = "postal_code"
# ...
rounded_profit = round(profit, PRECISION)
rounded_effort = round(effort, PRECISION)
postal_code = data.get(POSTAL_CODE_KEY, DEFAULT_POSTAL_CODE)
or '''
gives access to an object's docstring"""
.. moduleauthor:: Gerald Senarclens de Grancy <>
This module provides basic mathematical functions.
def add(first, second):
Return the sum of the parameters.
return first + second
print(__doc__) # access the module documentation
print(add.__doc__) # access the documentation for `add`
if __name__ == '__main__':
help(add) # access interactive help in the interpreter; `add?` in ipython
Use docstrings if available in your language
Python has excellent support for docstrings!
You may use docstings to give hints on data types
def add(first, second):
Return the sum of the parameters as integer or floating point number.
first -- an integer or floating point number
second -- an integer or floating point number
return first + second
However, it is much better to use type annotations for this purpose
def add(first: float, second: float) -> float:
Return the sum of the parameters.
return first + second
Arguments annotated as float
also accept int
The numeric tower)
from typing import TypeAlias
Iterable: TypeAlias = list | tuple # variable annotation as `TypeAlias`
def demo(first: list, second: Iterable) -> int:
Demonstrate type hints.
count: int = len(first) # variable annotation as `int`
return count
There are multiple third party tools that allow type checking
sudo apt install python3-mypy (or using a venv)
Look at the code and try to figure out what's wrong
Or ... ask mypy
to work for you
Key purpose is tutorial documentation
followed by new commands...
when continuing commands on multiple lines>>>
the end of the outputdef add(first: float, second: float) -> float:
Return the sum of the parameters.
>>> add(1,3)
>>> add(7.3, -3.0)
>>> add(42, "foo")
Traceback (most recent call last):
TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'int' and 'str'
return first + second
Doctests can also be written in textual documentation files
The ``doctest_sample`` module
Using ``add``
This is an example text file in reStructuredText format. First import
``add`` from the ``doctest_sample`` module:
>>> from doctest_sample import add
Now use it:
>>> add(6, 5)
Documentation like this can be used by the Sphinx documentation generator.
Download doctest_sample.rst
No output is shown when tests pass (unless -v
is used)
$ python3 -m doctest # no output for passing tests
$ python3 -m doctest -v # detailed output
$ python3 -m doctest -v doctest_sample.rst # run against textual documentation
Running executable scripts with -m doctest
doesn't work
(-m doctest
would be an argument to the script and not to
the Python interpreter)
Doctests can also be exectured from within Python scripts, e.g.
if __name__=="__main__": # not executed when imported as a module
import doctest
doctest.testmod() # or doctest.testmod(verbose=True)
If the code and the comments disagree,
then both are probably wrong.