4BHEL FSST Test (Group A)


Max. 100 points


Task Max. Achieved
1 20
2 10
3 15
4 25
5 30
Sum 100
Grading: > 87.5: 1, >75: 2, >62.5 : 3, >50: 4, <=50: 5

To solve the tasks in this test, use the following ERD. Use SQL syntax that works in either SQLite or PostgreSQL.
[Simple School DB ERD]

  1. Adding Data (20 points)

    Add the following data to your database.

    class_id name year
    1 2AKIFT 2023
    2 4BHEL 2023
    3 6ACELI 2023
    student_id full_name class_id
    1 Pat Miller 1
    2 Chris Surströmming 2
    6+6 points for insert into (...) values incl. semicolon at end
    4+4 points for data (4 for classes, 4 for students)
    insert into classes (name, year) values
    ('2AKIFT', 2023),
    ('4BHEL', 2023),
    ('6ACELI', 2023);
    insert into students (full_name, class_id) values
    ('Pat Miller', 1),
    ('Chris Surströmming', 2);
  2. Delete student 'Pat Miller'. (10 points)
    6 points for delete statement incl. semicolon
    4 point for correct condition
    delete from students where full_name = 'Pat Miller';
  3. Change the year of the class with class_id=1 to 2022. (15 points)
    5 point for update table incl. semicolon
    5 point for set name...
    5 point for correct condition
    update classes set year = 2022 where class_id = 1;
  4. Write a query that shows the full name and email address of all students that attend "4BHEL" in the school year 2023. Assume that you do not know the id of "4BHEL". Sort the results by the students' names. (25 points)
    5 points for select statement incl. semicolon
    5 points for using the correct columns
    5 points for correctly joining the tables
    5 points for correct where condition
    5 points for correct order by
    select full_name, email from students
    natural join classes
    where classes.name = '4BHEL' and classes.year = 2023
    order by students.full_name;
  5. Write a query that shows all information on the first 5 students whose name starts with "F". Sort the result by the name of the class the students attend. (30 points)
    5 points for select statement incl. semicolon
    5 points for correctly joining the tables
    5 points for where using the correct column
    5 points for condition using like %
    5 points for correct order by
    5 points for correct limit
    select * from students
    natural join classes
    where students.full_name like 'F%'
    order by classes.name
    limit 5;