1AKIFT DBI Test (Group A)


Max. 50 points


Task Max. Achieved
1 4
2 24
3 10
4 3
5 3
6 2
7 4
Sum 50
Grading: >=45: 1, >=39: 2, >=33: 3, >25: 4, <=25: 5
  1. Databases, DBMS, SQL
    Answer the following statements indicating whether they are True or False.
    0-4 correct: 0 points, 5 correct: 1 point, 6 correct: 2 points, 7 correct: 3 points, 8 correct: 4 points.
    Statement True False
    A database is an organized collection of data stored and accessed electronically.
    SQL is an acronym for "Secure Query Language".
    MariaDB and Mysql were founded by the same person.
    PostgreSQL is a DBMS.
    With regard to databases, a relation describes the reference between two tables.
    A database engine allows to create, read, update and delete (CRUD) data from a database.
    MariaDB was bought by Oracle Corporation.
    DBeaver is a DBMS.
  2. Create a Database and Tables (24 points)
    Create the database beer matching the following ERD. Make sure to create the references between the tables. Elements in the beer_ingredients table should be deleted when the corresponding beer is deleted. It must not be allowed to delete an ingredient that is referenced from the beer_ingredients table.
    [Beer DB ERD]
    1 point for creating the database
    2 points for correct syntax to create the ingredients table incl. semicolon
    2 points for the id column + primary key of the ingredients table
    1 point for the ingredient table's `name` column
    6 points (2+2+1+1) for the beers table incl. semicolon
    7 points (2+2+1+1+1) for the beer_ingredients table incl. semicolon
    3 points for beer_id reference w/ on delete cascade
    2 points for ingredient_id reference
    -- mariadb solution
    create database beer;
    use beer;
    create table ingredients (
      name VARCHAR(50)
    create table beers (
      name VARCHAR(50),
      description VARCHAR(255)
    create table beer_ingredients (
      beer_ingredient_id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT,
      quantity numeric,
      beer_id integer,
      ingredient_id integer,
      FOREIGN KEY (beer_id) REFERENCES beers (beer_id) on delete cascade,
      FOREIGN KEY (ingredient_id) REFERENCES ingredients (ingredient_id)
  3. Adding Data (10 points)

    Add the following data to your database.

    ingredient_id name
    1 hops
    2 malt
    3 cherry
    4 water
    5 wheat
    beer_id name description
    1 lager
    2 ale
    3+3 points for insert into (...) values incl. semicolon at end
    2+2 points for data (2 for ingredients, 2 for beers)
    insert into ingredients (name) values
    insert into beers (name) values
  4. Delete the 'cherry' ingredient. (3 points)
    2 points for delete statement incl. semicolon
    1 point for correct condition
    delete from ingredients where name = 'cherry';
  5. Replace the 'ale' with an 'IPA'. (3 points)
    1 point for update table incl. semicolon
    1 point for set name...
    1 point for correct condition
    update beers set name = 'IPA' where name = 'ale';
  6. Since we don't have time to maintain the content of the beer_ingredients table, remove it. (2 points)
    2 points for drop statement incl. semicolon
    drop table beer_ingredients;
  7. Finaly, show the content of both remaining tables (beers and ingredients) using two separate SQL statements. (4 points)
    2 points for each select statement incl. semicolon
    select * from ingredients;
    select * from beers;