1AKIFT DBI Test (Group A)


Max. 15 points


Task Max. Achieved
1 6
2 9
Sum 15
Grading: >=14: 1, >=12: 2, >=10: 3, >=8: 4, <=7: 5

To solve the tasks in this test, use the following ERD.
[Northwind Small DB ERD]

  1. List the customer names of all customers that have not posted any orders. Name the column "Customer Name".
    1 point for selecting the correct column
    1 point for the alias
    1 points for filtering
    2 points for the subquery
    1 point for the semicolon
    -- mariadb solution
    select CustomerName as "Customer Name" from Customers c
    where c.CustomerID not in
    select CustomerID from Orders o
  2. List all details of all Customers that have ordered products that cost more than twice the average price per product. Matching customers must be listed exactly once.
    1 point for distinct
    1 point for selecting all other columns
    3 points for all joins
    1 point for filtering
    2 points for the subquery
    1 point for the semicolon
    select distinct(c.CustomerID), c.*  from Products p
    natural join Orders
    natural join OrderDetails
    natural join Customers c
    where Price >
    select 2 * avg(Price) from Products